PCSC is not a government agency and we are not federally funded. Through the love and compassion of local churches, businesses, organizations, and individuals, we are able to provide much-needed support and encouragement to individuals and families within our community in need of basic items such as food, clothing, housing, transportation, medical assistance, and more.
We appreciate your interest in supporting our mission. If you have questions and/or would like additional information on the services we provide, please feel free to contact us at 386-328-0984. Thank you.
Keep Hope Alive with $5
Can you Help Keep Hope Alive with $5? By giving $5 (or more)
a month, you can help to change lives within our community.
Little, given often, makes much.
Donations can be made by clicking the DONATE button below, by personal check, or through your bank or financial institution as a scheduled payment. (Please contact your bank for further details.)
Donation Options
Recurring Gift: a gift that repeats on a designated time frame that you determine (weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually). Recurring gifts help PCSC to budget funds to support program needs. These gifts are automatically deducted from your checking account or credit card on the schedule you designate.
One-Time/Annual Gift: a gift made by check or credit card that does not recur. For gifts by credit card, please click the DONATE button to the left.
Item Donations
Next time you are cleaning out your closets, spare room, attic or garage, please consider donating your gently used clothes, furniture, household items, appliances, etc. These items are used to help clients in need (due to fire, flood, domestic violence, homelessness, etc.) or are sold in our Thrift Store, The Hardly Used Boutique (HUB). All proceeds from sales in the HUB Thrift Store go toward our overhead expenses, allowing us to continue serving those in need.